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 Hi everyone I am Chloe. Today I am going to talk about a Chinese American watercolor artist, as you can see in picture 1 there is an image of him. His name is called Cheng-Kee Chee. He is born in China, raised in Malaysia, and lived in the U.S. for many years. His artworks are influenced by his experience both in the East and the West. Most of his artworks are about koi fish, and birds (like I have shown in pictures 2,3 and 4). Other artworks he has drawn are about landscapes, cityscapes, and more. He has developed many techniques in his artworks. For example, Chinese brush painting, traditional watercolor approach, splash color, marbleizing, mono-printing techniques, and more. The colors in his artwork blend and follow their own laws, and the paint is allowed to work for itself. Following that, the painting process moves into a more conscious and structured phase. I choose this artist because I am very obsessed with my own culture. As you can see in my sketches, many of my inspirations come from Ancient China.  I admire the wisdom and the culture of his painting. I would like to adopt the spirit and the knowledge and develop it into my artworks and this is what I learned from Cheng-Kee Chee.  Thank you for listening to my presentation!  

Cheng-Kee Chee

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